Giannis Stamatellos / Γιάννης Σταματέλλος

MA in Ancient Philosophy, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (2001); PhD in Philosophy, University of Wales Trinity Saint David (2005). Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Neoplatonic Virtue Ethics (CNVE) at the University of Copenhagen (2010–2012); Research Associate in the project Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies at the University of Oxford (2011-2014); Founder and President of the Institute of Philosophy and Technology (Greece). He is a Member of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies. His research interests focus on Digital Ethics, Virtue Ethics and Ancient Greek Philosophy.

Main Publications


Parasite: A Philosophical Exploration, co-edited with Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Brill-Rodopi, forthcoming 2021.

Plotinus and the Moving Image: Neoplatonism and Film Theory, co-edited with Thorsten Botz-Bornstein. Brill-Rodopi, 2017.

Introduction to Presocratics: A Thematic Approach to Early Greek Philosophy with Key Readings. Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.

Plotinus and the Presocratics: A Philosophical Study of Presocratic Influences in Plotinus’ Enneads. SUNY Press, 2007.

Computer Ethics: A Global Perspective. Jones and Bartlett, 2007.

Philosophy and Religion in Late Antiquity. Athens: Ekati, 2007.


“Plotinus: Virtue Ethics”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, [July 2018].

“Plotinus’ concept of matter in Giordano Bruno’s De la causa, principio et uno“, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 26:1, 11-24, 2017.

“Virtue and Hexis in Plotinus”, The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 9.2: 129 – 145, 2015.

“Eternity in Plotinus”, Czech and Slovak Journal of Humanities: Philosophica II: 84-95, 2013.

“Plotinus on Transmigration: A Reconsideration”, Journal of Ancient Philosophy 7 (1): 49-64, 2013.

“Virtue, Privacy and Self-Determination: A Plotinian Approach to the Problem of Information Privacy”, International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education 1 (4): 35-41, 2011.

“Computer Ethics and Neoplatonic virtue: A Reconsideration of Cyber Ethics in the light of Plotinus’ Ethical Theory”, International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, 1 (1): 1-11, 2011.

“The Meaning of Theurgy in Late Antique Philosophy”, Diavazo Magazine 481: 110-13, 2008.

Book Chapters

“Plotinus on Harmony: Heraclitean origins and virtue ethics”, in Harmony, edited by Drs. Li Chenyang and Dascha During, book series “The Virtues”, Oxford University Press, 2022, 116-137.

“Plotinus on philia and its Empedoclean Origin” in Platonic Pathways: Selected Papers from the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies, John F. Finamore & Danielle A. Layne (eds.), The Prometheus Trust, 2018, 59-75.

“Beyond the Moving Images: A Plotinian Reading of The Truman Show” in Plotinus and the Moving Image, Botz-Bornstein, T. & Stamatellos, G., (eds.) Brill-Rodopi, 2017, 91-104.

“Argument by Analogy in Thales and Anaximenes” in Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy, Bruce, M. & Barbone, S. (eds.), Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011, 180-182.

“Plotinus’ Angeletics: A Neoplatonic Message Theory” in Messages and Messengers: Angeletics as an Approach to the Phenomenology of Communication, Capurro, R. & Holgate, J. (eds.). Band 5. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2011, 125-134.

“The Notion of Infinity in Plotinus and Cantor” in Platonism and Forms of Intelligence, John Dillon, Marie-Élise Zovko (eds.) Berlin: Academie Verlag, 2008, 213-229.

“Body and Soul: Voluntary Descent or Involuntary Fall in Heraclitus, Empedocles, Pythagoreans and Plotinus” in What is the Soul? Thessaloniki: Metaekdotiki Press, 2002, 14-36.

“Neoplatonism” in Ways of Knowledge, Thessaloniki: Metaekdotiki Press, 2001, 65-90.

Conference Proceedings

“‘Seasons bring all things’: A Heraclitean ontology of time” in PHILO-SOPHIA 125 Years University Philosophy in Bulgaria (forthcoming 2020).

“Cognitive Enhancement Using ICT and Its Ethical Implications” (co-authored with Doukakis S. and Glinou N.), in Vlamos P. (ed.) GeNeDis 2016: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 989, Springer, Cham, 2017, 245-254.

“Security, Privacy and Technophobia in the School of the Future”, Proceedings of Eighth International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Enquiry, Ionio University, Corfu, Greece, 2009, 738-749.

“Security and Freedom in the School of the Future”, The School of the Future and the Future of the School: Conference Proceedings, Doukas Schools: Athens, 2008, 501-503.

Book Reviews

Akçay, K. Nilüfer. Porphyry’s On the cave of the nymphs in its intellectual context. Studies in Platonism, Neoplatonism, and the Platonic Tradition, volume 23. Leiden: Brill, 2019, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.04.05.

Baltzly (D.), Share (M.) (trans.) (2019) Hermias: On Plato Phaedrus 227A–245E. Pp. viii + 316. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018, Classical Review 69 (1): 92-94.

Layne, Danielle A. and Harold Tarrant (eds.) (2014) The Neoplatonic Socrates, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.06.10.

Wilberding, J., Horn, C., (eds.) (2012) Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature, Oxford: Oxford University Press, The Classical Review 63.2 406–408, 2013.

Adluri, V. (2011) Parmenides, Plato, and mortal philosophy: return from transcendence, Continuum studies in ancient philosophy. London; New York: Continuum, The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 6, 2: 244-246.

Brisson, L., Pradeau, J.-F. (eds.) (2010) Plotin. Traités 51-54. Porphyre: Vie de Plotin, Paris: GF Flammarion, in The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 5, 1: 175-177, 2011.

Eliasson, E., (2008) The Notion of That Which Depends on Us in Plotinus and Its Background, Leiden: E.J. Brill, in Ancient Philosophy XXXI (1): 238-240, 2011.

McGroarty, K., (2007) Plotinus on Eudaimonia: A Commentary on Ennead I.4, Oxford: Oxford University Press, in Ancient Philosophy XXX (1): 207-209, 2010.

Majumdar, D., (2007) Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense: A Pantomime, Aldershot/Burlington: Ashgate, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.19.

Balla, Ch., (2008) Michael Frede: Ancient Greek Philosophy. Views of history and historiography, Athens, Ekkremes, 2008, in Kritika 2009-10.

Remes, P., (2007) Plotinus on Self: The Philosophy of the ‘We’, Cambridge/New York:  Cambridge University Press, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.01.06.

Curd, P., (ed. and trans.) (2007) Anaxagoras of Clazomenae. Fragments and Testimonia. A Text and Translation with Notes and Essays. The Phoenix Presocratics, 6, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.05.11.

Edwards, M., (2006) Culture and Philosophy in the Age of Plotinus, London: Duckworth, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.05.43.

 Adamson, P., (2002) The Arabic Plotinus: A Philosophical Study of the ‘Theology of Aristotle’, London: Duckworth, 2002, in Ancient Philosophy XXVI (2): 472-475, 2006.

 Arieti, J. A., (2005) Philosophy in the Ancient World: An Introduction, Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.07.06.

 Liapis, V. (2003) Agnostos Theos, Athens: Stigme, 2003, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.12.29.


Translation in modern Greek of R. T. Wallis’ Neoplatonism (1995), Thessaloniki: Metaekdotiki Press, 2002.

 Translation in modern Greek of Robinson D. & Groves J., Plato for Beginners (2000), Athens: Diavlos Press, 2002.