The Institute of Philosophy & Technology (Ινστιτούτο Φιλοσοφίας & Τεχνολογίας) is an independent non-profit organization located in Athens, Greece.


The Institute of Philosophy and Technology aims to promote the study of philosophy and technology as independent and interdisciplinary fields. The main objective of the institute is to serve as a medium of expression, collaboration, and communication between individuals and groups at local and global levels. 


The Institute of Philosophy and Technology has as its goals to

  • Promote critical thinking, democratic engagement, and intercultural dialogue
  • Encourage creative reflection, curiosity, imagination, and the freedom of speech.
  • Support the active participation of young people and socially vulnerable groups in philosophical thinking.
  • Realize the principles of reflection, exploration and innovation

To achieve the above goals, the Institute functions as a philosophy hub for scholars and researchers. Moreover, the Institute organizes conferences, workshops, seminars and events as well as collaborative publications and research.

Giannis Stamatellos, PhD
Founder and President